David Crystal examines the phenomenon of language use online in his book Language and the Internet. Is the Internet bad for the future of language? Will creativity be lost? Are standards diminishing? //
Winning The Future: A 21st Century Contract with America
According to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, America currently faces five threats that could undermine, if not eliminate, the United States if immediate steps are not taken to correct them. The threats as he sees them are Islamic terrorists and rogue dictatorships armed with nuclear or biological weapons; the removal of God from American public life; a loss of patriotism and sense of America's history.
Future Music brings you the most in-depth reviews by respected industry professionals plus news on all the latest hardware and software releases. We also interview musicians at the cutting edge of technology, and give you all the advice, music and free samples you need to get the most out of your existing set-up and improve your music making.
The Dilbert 0887309100: Thriving on Business Stupidity in the 21st Century
Warning: more stupidity ahead (also selfishness and horniness) Nostradamus, step aside. Scott Adams has turned futurist and gives us a much needed look into his skewed crystal ball. Here's a taste of what you'll learn in The Dibert Future: