Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology, 2nd edition
Added by: borisvm | Karma: 492.67 | ESP, Medicine | 4 May 2015
Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology, 2nd edition
Supported by a new, dedicated mobile app and a suite of online learning tools, the groundbreaking ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, Second Edition, is now even more effective for today's learners. This proven text teaches fundamental medical terms using word parts, without bogging down in detailed anatomy and physiology discussions. A highly visual approach--with abundant use of tables, charts, and illustrations--makes the text an effective resource for readers of diverse backgrounds, including ESL speakers, individuals focused on career preparation, and auditory and visual learners.
This book provides a baseline for effective technology practice, offering a comprehensive overview of theory, research and practice. In particular the book: Brings together research findings to provide an evidence based approach to using technology in the classroom Provides an understanding of how technologies can and should inform teaching and learning Highlights effective practice As well as capturing the extensive developments in this field over the last three decades the book identifies ‘what works’ with technology and education.
This excellent pack contains music videos with kinetic typography, a way of subtitling videos
that can help everyone to improve their fluency, speed reading, ear training and much more.
It is a very effective and funny way to increase your English skills.
Highly recommended!
This excellent pack contains music videos with kinetic typography, a way of subtitling videos that can help everyone to improve their fluency, speed reading, ear training and much more.
It is a very effective and funny way to increase your English skills.
Read how you can finally learn to speak English quickly by curating your own free and hugely effective social learning and social media English course. Follow the process and you will improve as much as the learners in the real case studies. One, a typically frustrated adult Chinese English learner, went from beginner to intermediate after just 18 hours of practice. Millions can read and write English but don't feel comfortable speaking it.
If you are a non-native English speaker and make telephone calls as part of your work, then this book is for you. By applying the suggested guidelines, you will stand a much greater chance of making an effective telephone call.