Comprehensive Nursing Care in Multiple Sclerosis, Third Edition
Among the many responsibilities of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) nurse, perhaps the most important is to help patients devise, learn, and implement self-care strategies to improve their wellness and quality of life. Taking a fresh perspective on the complex role of the MS nurse, this comprehensive clinical reference demonstrates how nurses can change the lives of patients with MS.
Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology: 10 Volume Set (10 Volumes)
This work presents a definitive interpretation of the current status of and future trends in natural products-a dynamic field at the intersection of chemistry and biology concerned with isolation, identification, structure elucidation, and chemical characteristics of naturally occurring compounds such as pheromones, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and enzymes. With more than 1,800 color figures, Comprehensive Natural Products II features 100% new material and complements rather than replaces the original work
The dictionary is made with the intent of providing the readers with a handy referral for the terminology used in the subject. The dictionary covers almost all the terms that form a part and parcel of economics in simple and easily comprehensible language. In order to enhance the readers knowledge and bring about more relevance, many examples and pictures have been used along with the definitions of the terms.
The Colours of Infinity: The Beauty and Power of Fractals
The groundbreaking documentary (accompanying this book), introduced by Arthur C. Clarke, has been shown in over 50 countries around the world. Twenty five years ago it brought the subject of fractals to the attention of the general public for the first time. The contributors to the film are joined in this comprehensive survey of fractal theory and practice by some other leading experts in the field.
The Encyclopedia of Entomology brings together the expertise of more than 450 distinguished entomologists from 40 countries to provide a worldwide overview of insects and their close relatives. Combining the basic science of an introductory text with accurate, comprehensive detail, the Encyclopedia is a reliable first source of reference for students and working professionals.