Featured in this issue are an interview with James E. Alatis and an integrated skills lesson plan for "The Making of a City." Other articles cover English as an international language, the teaching of collocations, reciprocal teaching, and tutoring in an ESOL music project.
This is an amazingly simple but powerful language resource. On this CD-ROM you have access at the click of a button to 140,000 English collocations (frequent word combinations) and 2,600,000 real examples of how these word combinations are used. The collocations and the real examples are extracted from a corpus of 200 million words: the Bank of English. Here you will discover idioms, phrasal verbs, compounds, fixed phrases and grammatical patterns fully supported with evidence from authentic speech and writing.
Upper-Intermediate to Advanced
A collocations dictionary that helps students write and speak natural-sounding English.
Collocations- common word combinations such as 'bright idea' or 'talk freely' - are the essential building blocks of natural-sounding English. The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords.
This is a comprehensive dictionary with the most common collocations for each important word including adjectives, adverbs, verbs, etc.
We are happy to present you a highly useful book 'The Dictionary of Collocations' by unidintified author. If you happen to recognize the author's name and other book particulars, please let the Admin know about it. The author of the book is identified
Insight extra into IELTS with Audio This workbook contains practice activities for the whole range of IELTS task types, a 'Vocabulary Builder' to extend students' knowledge of words, phrases and collocations, 'Test tips', and timed exercises. It can be used in conjunction with the Insight into IELTS coursebook or on its own. amazon.com