Techniques for Undoing Yourself, Volume 1 & 2 (Audio)
Techniques for Undoing Yourself is a series of CDs in which Dr. Hyatt presents effective methods by which you can change your self and your life! They are great companions to Hyatt's groundbreaking book, Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation and Other Devices and add an entirely new dimension to your repertoire of powerful and dynamic methods of self-change.
THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIME Employees respond to organizational change with worry, fear, and sometimes even panic. Your job is to keep them motivated and focused—so you must choose your words carefully during times of upheaval.
The Employment Relationship: Key Challenges for HR
Challenges Facing the Employment Relationship in Future Organizations addresses the issues of change within employee relationships resulting from the impact of factors such as: * international competitive pressures * technological change * changing individual expectations and behaviours
The Images of Time: An Essay on Temporal Representation
The Images of Time presents a philosophical investigation of the nature of time and the mind's ways of representing it. Robin Le Poidevin examines how we perceive time and change, the means by which memory links us with the past, the attempt to represent change and movement in art, and the nature of fictional time.
This book moves far beyond previous thinking about change. Many in higher education want to create more learner-centered campuses but grapple with how to do it. Harris and Cullen show us how to lead the change to more learner-centered campuses-and offer very practical tools for getting there from here. Every campus that takes student learning seriously should be having the conversation that this book advances and supports