Edinburgh is the old and charming capital of Scotland, where kilts and bagpipe music can be experienced in the streets. The sandstone buildings, die numerous exciting backyards in the old part of die city, die lulls offering breaditakmg views in and around die city and the fantastically beautiful surroundings are just a few of the thmgs you can experience when visiting the city.
A British gentleman, Phileas Fogg, makes a bet that he can go around the world in eighty days. Accompanied by his French manservant, Passepartout, he sets off on an incredible race against, over land and sea. The tenacious Inspector Fix, convinced that Phileas Fogg is a thief, pursues him relentlessly across the continents.
Science Uncovered brings together renowned scientists from around the globe to explain how the world around you works. From the far reaches of the Universe to the inner workings of your brain, these experts will provide you with a window into the very boundaries of our knowledge. You'll be able to peer into the future and see how today's breakthroughs will change how we live.