For companies in and around the telecommunications field, the past few years have been a time of extraordinary change-technologically and legally. The enacting of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the development of international trade agreements have fundamentally changed the environment in which your business operates, creating risks, responsibilities, and opportunities that were not there before.
Until now, you'd have had a hard time finding a serious business book that offered any more than a cursory glance at this transformed world. But at last there's a resource you can depend on for in-depth analysis and sound advice. Written in easy-to-understand language, Telecommunications Law in the Internet Age systematically examines the complex interrelationships of new laws, new technologies, and new business practices, and equips you with the practical understanding you need to run your enterprise optimally within today's legal boundaries.
Where has this scholar been hiding? Shapiro has written a tome on disabilities and the education of teachers and students - the book has sources, resources and is written in a way that engages the reader immediately. A must have for those involved in education! Dr. Shapiro has written an excellent book on an important topic - how to successfully promote positive attitudes toward students with disabilities. Unless teachers and parents plan for the social as well as the physical and academic integration of students with disabilities, the concept of inclusion in regular education classes will not work. Students with disabilities will be rejected, teased, and ignored. "Everybody Belongs" is a sensitively written, practical book for making inclusion work. Shapiro's ideas are based on years of experience and a detailed, insightful understanding of the relevant research and the history of disabilities. It is also based on a keen understanding of schools, teachers, and children.
This workbook has been written especially for use with the Longman Language Activator and offers a full answer key, making it ideal for classroom or self-study. Special units have been written on exam preparation and vocabulary development and, therefore, it is useful for FCE practice.
A book which shows learners what they get wrong and how to put it right. Key features: A test, answers with helpful tips, and a second test on the same topic in each four-page unit, twenty topics in each book, twenty 'Review' pages, leaving a mini reference book once all the tests have been completed, written for self-study and also suitable for use in the classroom.
Scanned especially for SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
This Mathematics Course 2 program has been specifically written for California - it’s everything the teacher needs to deliver successful Math lessons for Grade 7 students. The program is a complete, comprehensive, standards-based curriculum, and features a clear layout that will not distract students from the content being taught. It is all written in straightforward, understandable language to aid comprehension and meet the needs of English Language Learners.