This is a selection of expository essays by Paulo Ribenboim, the author of such popular titles as "The New Book of Prime Number Records" and "The Little Book of Big Primes". The book contains essays on Fibonacci numbers, prime numbers, Bernoulli numbers, and historical presentations of the main problems pertaining to elementary number theory, such as for instance Kummer's work on Fermat's Last Theorem. The essays are written in a light and humorous language without secrets and are thoroughly accessible to everyone with an interest in numbers.
This handy guide will furnish prospective writers with all they need to know about the serious business of getting their work published. Based on a series of seminars by the author himself, it provides guidelines on submitting papers in journals, chapters in books, articles in newspapers and sensible advice on approaching publishers with book proposals. Written with refreshing honesty and unfussiness, this book will be an instant requisite for academics everywhere.
Language and Social Contexts: explores how social contexts affect language use, enabling students to see how context has a direct effect on how texts are written, read and understood. Key Features: covers the key skills and topics, including the importance of social contexts, transcripts and live data, representation, power, gender and regional dialect analyses a wide variety of spoken and written texts, from conversations and text messages to wedding invitations, road signs, police warnings and advertisements offers a step-by-step guide to approaching texts and data and suggestions for structuring a response can be used as both a course text and a revision tool.
Fun story for learning to read!Based on The Riddlers - the new, highly successful Yorkshire Television series for pre-school children. The story is written to help your child learn to read
This is a treasury of authoritative yet concise information about major languages and language families. The emphasis is on Indo-European, over half the book being devoted to that family. Each of the 50 chapters is written by an expert in that field.