“…an awesome tour d’horizon of modern war, violence, and confrontation within and between nations. Illustrating via just about every conflict in every corner of the world, the author invokes an endless array of insights and interpretations, ranging from the micro to the macro, beautifully written in a seamless sequence of closely linked and discursive essays.”
Over the years, Donald Trump has written many bestselling books, and he has also written short pieces that summarize his singularly successful tenets on how to live the good life, both personally and professionally. These have been personally selected by Donald Trump for this book, giving his special perspective in what amounts to an "informal education" on how to succeed in business and life. The pieces are engaging, informative, and educational, presenting the clearest picture yet into the mind and heart of an extraordinary individual.
Edited by: Pumukl - 29 December 2009
Reason: Uploader's link deleted by moderator - see comments. Pumukl
Topics present factual topics in a modern magazine format. They offer challenging insights into the modern intercultural world from a teenager's viewpoint. Written in direct English, the texts and illustrations are closely integrated for maximum impact.
* 230,000 words, phrases and meanings – more than any other advanced learner’s dictionary * 165,000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network. * Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words. * Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words.
How many people could read and write in the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans? No one has previously tried to give a systematic answer to this question. Most historians who have considered the problem at all have given optimistic assessments, since they have been impressed by large bodies of ancient written material such as the graffiti at Pompeii. They have also been influenced by a tendency to idealize the Greek and Roman world and its educational system.