How It Works: Book of Space Volume 1 Fifth Revised Edition
Space is the grew big unknown, with billions of lightyears still undiscovered. That doesn't stop humankind from trying though, as this book documents all the research man has poured into exploring our universe. Discover the wonders in our solar system, the technology being developed for space exploration, the strangest and most incredible celestial bodies in our universe, and the best way to observe it all with a a telescope.
Just reading is not enough to make you happy - you have to take action and change your life - but I've found that understanding how it all works helps a lot in trying to do better and feel better.
Contemporary American theatre re-creates and invokes classical theatre so as to generate interaction between the two theatres. Using selected works of fourteen playwrights, this book organizes the interaction into three sections: works dramatizing change and reconciliation, works dramatizing the inability or the unwillingness to change and reconcile, and works emphasizing various selves (personal, theatrical, national).
This is the first book-length treatment of James Joyce's multiplicity of styles through the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, the pre-eminent philosopher of style and perspectivism. Sam Slote argues that the range of styles Joyce deploys throughout his works has an ethical dimension. Rather than an influence study, this book concerns Joyce's engagement with issues and problems that are central throughout Nietzsche's works. Ultimately, the intersection between Joyce and Nietzsche raises questions of epistemology, aesthetics, ethics and the construction of the 'Modern' and thus should be of interest to a wide range of readers and scholars.
How It Works, the magazine that explains everything you never knew you wanted to know about the world we live in. Loaded with fully illustrated guides and expert knowledge, and with sections dedicated to science, technology, transportation, space, history and the environment, no subject is too big or small for How It Works to explain.