Desperate to free his mother from a caste of ruthless elven assassins, Leesil joins his beloved Magiere, the sage Wynn, and their canine protector, Chap, on a difficult journey through mountains and harsh winter. Should they survive the hardships of wilderness, they still face the perils of the mysterious Elven Territories.
Периодическое издание "Граємо в англійську" станет отличным помощником для преподавателей младших классов или родителей. Каждый журнал посвящен одной теме. Содержит различные тематические игры,карточки,задания,которые помогут Вам в изучении новых слов.Задания на английском языке.
Annabel Karmel's Winter Family Cookbook - Winter 2009
Annabel Karmel's Winter Family Cookbook contains a tantalizing collection of delicious dishes perfect for the winter months. From baby purees and budget friendly family meals, to seasonal treats and Christmas feasts, this publication is packed with indulgent and hearty meals all the family can enjoy.