If you've ever wondered why Queen Elizabeth has two birthdays, what a whip does in the Houses of Parliament, where you can find the rules of cricket or just what makes that famous British sense of humour, look no further! Here are the answers to 100 of the most common and some of the more interesting questions asked about Britain around the world.
The United States and Central America: Geopolitical Realities and Regional FragilityThis book is a concise overview of the recent history of U.S.-Central American relations. Part of the Contemporary Inter-American Relations series edited by Jorge Dominguez and Rafael Fernandez de Castro, it focuses on the relations between the U.S. and this region since the end of the Cold War.
Created in 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency plays an important part in the nation's intelligence activities, and is currently playing a vital role in the war on terrorism. While the agency is often in the news and portrayed in television shows and films, it remains one of the most secretive and misunderstood organizations in the United States. This work provides an in-depth look into the Central Intelligence Agency and how its responsibilities affect American life.
Cities of the United States (CUS) provides a one-stop source for all the vital information you need on 199 of America's top cities—those fastest-growing, as well as those with a particular historical, political, industrial, and/or commercial significance. Spanning the entire country, from Anaheim to Virginia Beach, each geographicallyarranged volume of CUS brings together a wide range of comprehensive data. The volumes include: The South; The West; The Midwest; and The Northeast.
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
First published in 1983 (1999 update here), Fateful Triangle is a comprehensive indictment of what Noam Chomsky calls the "disgraceful and extremely dangerous" policy the United States has enacted towards Israel, particularly with regard to Israel's actions concerning the Palestinians.