Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 14 October 2011
Terror Under the Sea (Factastic Journey)
The beach is the place where the land meets the sea and monsters of the deep can come ashore. Dolphins and killer whales may look cute, but these warm-blooded mammals are also cool killers ...
This Facstatic Journey Book presents facts, photographs, and quizzes about monstrous maneaters, freaky fish, and slithering sea serpents.
Latin American Law - A History of Private Law and Institutions in Spanish America
Private law touches every aspect of people's daily lives - landholding, inheritance, private property, marriage and family relations, contracts, employment, and business dealings - and the court records and legal documents produced under private law are a rich source of information for anyone researching social, political, economic, or environmental history. But to utilize these records fully, researchers need a fundamental understanding of how private law and legal institutions functioned in the place and time period under study.
Public-Private Partnerships: Success and Failure Factors for In-Transition Countries
Public-Private Partnerships aims to discover the conditions under which public private partnerships may provide a viable alternative to the provision of public services and infrastructures by the state, while achieving efficient, sustainable, peaceful, and equitable development in four transition countries: China, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. These countries have experienced command economy under communist rule for at least thirty years.
In the Celtic land of Eileanan, witches and magic have been outlawed, and those caught for practicing witchcraft are put to death! It is a land ruled by an evil Queen, where sea-dwelling Fairgean stir, and children vanish in the night. But in a valley deep in the mountains, young Isabeau grows to womanhood under the guidance of an elderly witch, and must set out on a quest, carrying the last hopes of the persecuted witches.