Will Work for Fun: Three Simple Steps for Turning Any Hobby or Interest Into Cash
Will Work for Fun presents a simple three-step process for turning your favorite hobby or interest into a reliable source of income. Why stay trapped in a job you hate, when you could turn your fun into your job? No matter what your interests are, Alan Bechtold will show you how to what you love into a real moneymaking career. Packed with stories, examples, exercises, and links to online resources, Will Work for Fun is the cure for another dull day at the office.
The fall and rise of a trillion-dollar industry Just three years ago, hedge funds were at the top of the investment world. Years of unparalleled growth had pushed assets to nearly $3 trillion. Leverage was used so aggressively that total long and short investments approached an astonishing $10 trillion.
Make Easy Money with Google: Using the AdSense Advertising Program
Get your Web site to "show you the money" by using Google to draw more eyes--and wallets--to your content. In this friendly, four-color guide from veteran author and Web developer Eric Giguere, you'll learn all about Google's AdSense program and how you can use it to make your Web site or blog more profitable. Written in an easy-to-read, non-technical style, this book follows three average people--Claude, Stef, and Anita--as they learn to create money-making blogs and Web sites.