The second and third movements of Luciano Berio's Sinfonia (1970) are emblematic of the 1960s. After a two-minute memorial to Martin Luther King, the third movement evokes the contrast between the exuberant past and the decentered present. Against the backdrop of the Scherzo movement of Mahler's second ("Resurrection") symphony, a continuous rendition which provides the only apparent structure, we hear bits of the 60s— fragments from May 1968, in France, conversations about art and music, references to other events, chatter.
This book is a ground breaking and highly illustrated study challenging existing plate tectonics theory. It describes mountains from all over the world, analysing their rocks, structure and age to ascertain what led to their formation.
Proposes a fresh theory of argument structure. Babby puts forward the theory that this set of arguments (the verb's 'argument structure') has a universal hierarchical composition which directly determines the sentence's case and grammatical relations.
Happy House is a "story-based course for young children with very little or no previous experience of English". Emphasizing the receptive and productive areas of listening and speaking, the curriculum of Happy House 1 is divided into seven units, each of which is broken down into five lessons that follow the same structure. The authors elaborate on the lesson structure in the introduction to the Teacher's Edition.
Full book added Thanks to 6zkoronom!/workbook added Thanks to ghostwhisperer
This book uses many authentic sources such as factual texts, newspaper articles, features and TV schedules, instruction manuals, everyday signs, stories, quizzes, emails and diary entries. Students are encouraged to read material on different levels and in different ways, such as reading for gist, scanning, skimming, comprehension, analysing structure, summarising and shadow reading.
Not only for reading comprehension - but for extra creativity during lessons.