In the 1st century B.C., Rome's matchless armies consolidated control over the entire Mediterranean world, and Greece lay vanquished along with scores of other formerly independent lands—yet the Roman poet Horace saw something special in Greece when he wrote "Greece, the captive, made her savage victor captive."
In classic Stephen King tradition, this audiobook reminds the listener that even something as ordinary as a stationary bike can have a devious nature to it. After a tongue thrashing from his doctor, Richard Sifkitz turns his addiction to fatty foods into an addiction to a fantasy world created around his stationary bike, spending hours a day pedaling away. But as his obsession grows, the lines between fantasy and reality dim and he believes someone or something is trailing him on his path...
Think about this: How would you address a group of two or more people? Would your default terminology be: ”you all,” “yous,” ”you lot,” “you guys,” “you’uns,” “yinz,” “you,” “y’all,” or something else? Would that change depending on whom you were talking to or where you were using it? What do you call a long sandwich that contains cold cuts and vegetables? Is it a “sub,” “grinder,” “hoagie,” “hero,” “poor boy,” “bomber,” “Italian sandwich,” or something else?
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 6 July 2016
The humble peanut butter and jelly or bologna and cheese or corned beef on rye—no matter your cooking expertise, chances are you've made and eaten countless sandwiches in your lifetime. It's quick, it's simple, and it's open to infinite variety and inventiveness. If there's something bread- or bun-like in your cupboard, there is a sandwich waiting to happen.
Discover Your Ancestors is a UK based magazine with a focus on newcomers to family history while also offering something for the intermediate level genealogist. Largely aimed at those starting out in family history research, although our editor always ensures there is something in every edition for the more experienced family historian. Pervading the stories and expertly authored articles is the underlying theme of exploring social history – how our ancestors lived their lives. This gives context and further background knowledge to researchers as they continue their quest for that “missing” link.