The security guard at Ella Mentry School has gone off the deep end! Somebody is stealing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the vomitorium, and Officer Spence is on the case. He's arresting everybody in sight! Somebody is going to go to jail! Who is it? You'll have to read the book to find out.
Heidegger has been accused of being many of the above things, including mystic, psychotic, and poet, and sometimes even a philosopher. Some of us like to think of him as all of the above. But there is a pervasive trend in particularly modern philosophy that would like to bracket out such things proper subjects for philosophy. For example, many Anglo-American analytic philosophers tend to think Heidegger is simply sloppy, perhaps a charlatan, but certainly not a philosopher in any traditional sense, and perhaps they have a point. Heidegger would have been the first to admit he was no philosopher in the regular sense, as a matter of fact he often disdained that sort of thinking.
If you blended the works of Lovecraft and Kevin Smith, then mixed that with about three parts pure awesome and left it to grow behind your fridge, you might get a vague sense of the genre David Wong bullseyes with this book. It's funny enough to appeal even to non-fans of the horror genre, yet scary enough to stay with you for a long time.
"Straw" which O'Neill feels is his best piece of work, he describes as "a tragedy of human hope." It is a play of tuberculosis, and all the action takes place in a sanitorium. At the same time it is not morbid nor in any sense pathological. "My whole idea" he says "is to show the power of spiritual help, even when a case is hopeless. Human hope is the greatest power in life and the only thing that defeats death."
Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility was a wonderful debut from the author who gave us Pride and Prejudice. Here we follow the adventures of the Dashwood sisters as they find love in an class-conscious Regency England. The Dashwoods, impoverished when their father dies, are forced to live in a small house in the country on 500 pounds a year. With such unfortunate prospects as those, it will be difficult for the elder two, Elinor and Marianne, to find good marriage prospects. Marianne finds herself falling in love with the dashing Willoughby, who ends up being not all that he appears.