Practicing College Learning Strategies, Fifth Edition, combines practical application with learning strategies theory, and is an excellent motivational tool for teaching students how to learn. The textbook focuses on learning strategies that are supported by brain research and neuroscience, and helps instructors to instill confidence in students who may feel "stuck" in their academic progress.
Cracking the AP European History Exam, 2012 Edition • 2 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations • Timelines, keywords, and review questions in every chapter • Helpful strategies for writing high-scoring DBQ and free-response essays • Advice on how to use Process of Elimination to maximize your multiple-choice section score • Comprehensive review of all topics covering the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, the French Revolution, postwar Europe, and more • Updated strategies which reflect the AP test scoring change
Bridges to Reading, K3: Teaching Reading Skills with Children's Literature (Vol. 1)
Now you can use quality children's literature to teach traditional reading skills! Providing a balance between traditional and literature-based instruction, these books include stimulating and instructive lessons based on approximately 150 skills commonly found in basal readers. These lessons utilize a variety of strategies that can be applied to teaching myriad skills-from alphabet and alphabetization to word recognition skills.