A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology
The Handbook is a helpful, wide ranging aide to the study and understanding of human rights. It is designed for those just beginning their studies in human rights, especially to help them understand the sometimes complex language of human rights discourse…. The wide selection of terms being defined should answer the needs of most students--and many practitioners.
Desperate to free his mother from a caste of ruthless elven assassins, Leesil joins his beloved Magiere, the sage Wynn, and their canine protector, Chap, on a difficult journey through mountains and harsh winter. Should they survive the hardships of wilderness, they still face the perils of the mysterious Elven Territories.
This text contains pages of quotes, proverbs and sayings, which might help sum up the sentiments at any wedding. It should help those in need of saying the right thing.
Write It Right - A Little Blacklist of Literary Faults
The author's main purpose in this book is to teach precision in writing; and of good writing (which, essentially, is clear thinking made visible) precision is the point of capital concern. It is attained by choice of the word that accurately and adequately expresses what the writer has in mind, and by exclusion of that which either denotes or connotes something else. As Quintilian puts it, the writer should so write that his reader not only may, but must, understand.
Medicine Today: 2000 to the PresentMany people take for granted that physicians know what they are doing, but every day scientists must make very difficult decisions. Just because scientists can harvest stem cells, doesn't mean that they should; and while one day nanotechnology might mean a little 'nanobot' can be turned into a blood vessel to clean out the arteries, there are some ethical and environmental issues that must be considered first.