Black Boy is a classic of American autobiography, a subtly crafted narrative of Richard Wright's journey from innocence to experience in the Jim Crow South. An enduring story of one young man's coming off age during a particular time and place, Black Boy remains a seminal text in our history about what it means to be a man, black, and Southern in America.
Other Kingdoms - Richard Matheson (Audiobook, MP3)
For over half a century, Richard Matheson has enthralled and terrified readers with such timeless classics as I Am Legend, Somewhere in Time, and What Dreams May Come. Now the grand master returns with a bewitching tale of erotic suspense and enchantment.
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Black Arrow. (level 1)Robert Louis Stevenson
Set in 15th-century England, this is the exciting story of Richard Shelton and the band of the Black Arrow. Sir Daniel is like a father to Richard, but one day Richard discovers a terrible truth from the past. Now he must fight against Sir Daniel and his men. Can Richard save his true love, Joanna, from an unhappy marriage? Can he and the band of the Black Arrow bring justice to England?
King Richard the Second lived in the days when the chivalry of feudal times was in all its glory. His father, the Black Prince; his uncles, the sons of Edward the Third, and his ancestors in a long line, extending back to the days of Richard the First, were among the most illustrious knights of Europe in those days, and their history abounds in the wonderful exploits, the narrow escapes, and the romantic adventures, for which the knights errant of the Middle Ages were so renowned.