Effectiveness of Time Investments in Education: Insights from a review and meta-analysis
This book analyzes the productivity and effectiveness of a variety of time investments in education. It explores the methods used in education to optimize the time that students are exposed to learning content. Such methods include expanding official school time, optimizing “time on task”, providing homework assignments, and creating learning opportunities beyond lesson hours.
Social Studies is a core comprehensive program that takes students on a fascinating journey to explore the people, places, and events that have impacted history. This basal program combines rich content with colorful graphics and interactive, write-in text to highlight core concepts and provide a better understanding for students. Each unit is structured with powerful reading support tools - such as the lesson summary and unit review - to help reinforce the main ideas and accurately organize information.
Trying to learn English? Our Learn to Speak English software is an expansive language program that uses a wealth of instructional techniques to help you learn English. It includes lessons in vocabulary, grammar, and conversation (both verbal and written), and provides plenty of practice, drill and review in each of these areas. Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
This step-by-step handbook provides comprehensive and practical guidance on the process of researching a range of relevant literature on a subject, as well as planning and writing a literature review. The book takes a student friendly approach to offer complete novices a simple review of a process which is often central to producing a research study.
Succeeding with your Literature Review is relevant in all subject areas and is essential reading for third year undergraduate and postgraduate students.