Dickens, Christianity and The Life of Our Lord: Humble Veneration, Profound Conviction (Continuum Literary Studies)
Added by: odiloncorrea | Karma: 137.19 | Black Hole | 21 November 2010
Dickens, Christianity and The Life of Our Lord: Humble Veneration, Profound Conviction (Continuum Literary Studies)
"The Life of Our Lord" is a life of Jesus written by Dickens for his children in the 1840s but not published until 1934. This is the first major study to carefully and seriously consider the work and its place in the Dickens corpus. While Dickens' religion and religious thought is recognized as a significant component of his work, no study of Dickens' religion has carefully considered his often ignored, yet crucially relevant, "The Life of Our Lord".
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Thomas Starkey and the Commonwealth: Humanist Politics and Religion in the Reign of Henry VIII
Thomas Starkey (c. 1495-1538) was the most Italianate Englishman of his generation. This book places Starkey into new and more appropriate contexts, both biographical and intellectual, taking him out of others in which he does not belong, from displaced Roundhead to follower of Marsilio of Padua.
Dictionary Of Gods And Goddesses (Facts on File Library of Religion and Mythology)
Added by: algy | Karma: 431.17 | Black Hole | 27 October 2010
Dictionary Of Gods And Goddesses (Facts on File Library of Religion and Mythology)
This book is an excellent resource for anyone seeking basic information about the stunning variety of gods that humans have believed in over the last several centuries.
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Reprint of the 1928 edition. The Future of an Illusion is a book written by Sigmund Freud in 1927. It describes his interpretation of religion's origins, development, psychoanalysis, and its future. Freud describes religion as an illusion, as one of the wishes that are the "fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind".
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 13 September 2010
TheCompanion to Science and Religion
In recent years, the relations between science and religion have been the object of renewed attention. Developments in physics, biology and the neurosciences have reinvigorated discussions about the nature of life and ultimate reality. At the same time, the growth of anti-evolutionary and intelligent design movements has led many to the view that science and religion are necessarily in conflict. This book pres a comprehensive introduction to the relations between science and religion, with contributions from historians, philosophers, scientists and theologians.
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