Maximal Orders (London Mathematical Society Monographs New Series)
This is a reissue of a classic text, which includes the author's own corrections and provides a very accessible, self contained introduction to the classical theory of orders and maximal orders over a Dedekind ring. It starts wtih a long chapter that provides the algebraic prerequisites for this theory, covering basic material on Dedekind domains, localizations and completions as well as semisimple rings and separable algebras.
"This book is a fascinating look at the history of the relationship between logical and visual thinking. There are aspects to this history that are both frightening and encouraging, and, with the current pendulum swing back toward visualization as a respectable thinking tool, it provides an important guide to what has been done before and what can be done in the future.
Powerbase is an ideal introduction to general English for working adults. It provides excellent preparation for other Business English courses. The Study Book provides revision, practice, and consolidation activities. It corresponds directly to lessons in the Coursebook.
Top Notch 3 is an upper intermediate course for international communication that focuses on the natural language that people really speak. With a rock-solid approach, Top Notch provides students with an opportunity to confirm their own progress at the end of every easy-to-teach lesson.
Yoga for Men: Postures for Healthy, Stress-free Living
Here is a comprehensive introduction to yoga geared to men of all ages and backgrounds-whether they're athletic or sedentary, young or old, or devotees of yoga who seek new information to enhance their existing practices or neophytes just starting out on their yoga journeys. The information is presented in simple, how-to form so that you can perform a basic, yet complete, yoga session on your own. It provides an overview of all the major styles of yoga so that you can custom tailor a practice to suit your needs.