An outstanding collection of poems that appeal to both boys and girls, compiled by a teacher who believed in the formative power of learning poetry by heart. “Children,” she maintains, “should build for their future — and get, while they are children, what only the fresh imagination of the child can assimilate. They should store up an untold wealth of heroic sentiment; they should acquire the habit of carrying a literary quality in their conversation; they should carry a heart full of the fresh and delightful associations and memories connected with poetry hours to brighten mature years. They should develop their memories while they have memories to develop.”
An introduction to poetry that uses humorous poems, illustrations, and annotations to clarify terms and explain different types of poems, such as macaronic verse, concrete poems, and limericks.
It is well known that Jorge Luis Borges was a translator, but this has been considered a curious minor aspect of his literary achievement. Few have been aware of the number of texts he translated, the importance he attached to this activity, or the extent to which the translated works inform his own stories and poems.Between the age of ten, when he translated Oscar Wilde, and the end of his life, when he prepared a Spanish version of the Prose Edda ,
This book details the immense impact that Jorge Luis Borges has had on the thinking and writing of the twentieth century and how many have misunderstood that impact. It highlights how his symbols, techniques, parody, irony, and artful ambiguity in his fiction, essays, and poems force us to question what we can know with certainty, what is real and what is dream, and who we are, and thus define what has become the core of the postmodern vision.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 13 November 2011
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz & Other Poems
Pablo Picasso is arguably the most famous and influential artist of the 20th century. What few in the English speaking world know is that in 1935, at age 54, an emotional crisis caused Picasso to halt all painting and devote himself entirely to poetry. Even after resuming his visual work, Picasso continued to write, in a characteristic torrent, until 1959, leaving a body of prose poems that Andre Breton praised as, "an intimate journal, both of the feelings and the senses, such as has never been kept before."