From the leading test prep company for the Multi-state Bar Exam comes questions and answers to help law students prepare for the MBE in a handy flashcard format. Over 500 questions and detailed answers to prepare for the bar color coded by subject area for quick review of individual topics.
Subjects covered are: Contracts, Torts, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Real Property, Evidence and Constitutional Law.
Prepare for IELTS
This CD provides you some exercises of listening which are really familiar with IELTS test format.
CD1 test 1, 2
Student's Book and Full set Audio (Tests 1-5) added Thanks to statsenko CD 2 test 3, 4, 5 and CD 3 sample interviews on Mediafire added thanks to odd_29av
In this practical and funny book, an experienced teaching consultant offers many creative strategies for dealing with typical problems. How can you prepare most efficiently for a new course in a new area? How do you look credible? And what do you do when you don't have a clue how to answer a question?
Alzheimer's and other Dementias: Answers at your fingertips
Explanations about the different types and causes of dementia. Help with the practical issues of looking after someone with Alzheimer's. Details of where to go for support and advice on the legal and financial implications. Guidance on choosing a care home, what to look for and how to prepare. Answers to questions about possible treatments and research for the future.