Multimedia Dictionary Cd contains different activities in six languages.
It lets you change the languages between turkish english spanish italian german french.
There are different activities in this program: - listen and match the pictures - listen and write - listen and match the words - listen watch and match - type the words of the pictures - puzzles and so on....
GEO is a family of educational monthly magazines similar to the National Geographic magazine. It is known for its profound reports, which are accompanied by opulent pictures.
Рассказы в картинках: книга для чтения на английском языке в младших классах средней школы. На основе четырёх занимательных сюжетов, содержащих доступный языковой материал, учащиеся усваивают грамматические формы, используемые в разговорной речи.
GEOis a family of educational monthly magazines similar to the NationalGeographic magazine. It is known for its profound reports, which areaccompanied by opulent pictures.