The Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition: A Critical Look at the Critical Period Hypothesis
Assembles a variety of perspectives on the age factor in second language acquistion through all of which runs the common thread of certain scepticism with regard to absolutist version of the idea that there is a particular maturational stage beyond which language learning is no longer possible.
Popular Controversies in World History: The Ancient World to the Early Middle Ages
Exploring a series of high-profile debates from 2,000 years before Christianity to 1,000 years after, this volume provides a format that invites readers to draw their own conclusions. The Ark of the Covenant...The monoliths of Easter Island...The origins of the Celtic Church...The Toltecs and Mayans...The time period from 2,000 years before Christianity to the millennium gave rise to many mysteries that have intrigued historians for ages.
The book presents multiple perspectives and arguments for the 15 controversies discussed in the work, and offers a chronology of the controversies within the specific time period of the volume.
The Handbook of the History of Logic - Volume 3 The Rise of Modern Logic: From Leibniz to Frege
With the publication of the present volume, the Handbook of the History of Logic turns its attention to the rise of modern logic. The period covered is 1685-1900, with this volume carving out the territory from Leibniz to Frege. What is striking about this period is the earliness and persistence of what could be called 'the mathematical turn in logic'. Virtually every working logician is aware that, after a centuries-long run, the logic that originated in antiquity came to be displaced by a new approach with a dominantly mathematical character.
Salammbô (1862) is a historical novel by Gustave Flaubert. It is set in Carthage during the third century BCE, immediately before and during the Mercenary Revolt which took place shortly after the First Punic War. Flaubert's main source was Book I of Polybius's Histories. It was not a particularly well-studied period of history and required a great deal of work from the author, who enthusiastically left behind the realism of his masterpiece Madame Bovary for this tale of blood-and-thunder.
Armory history of Britain and other countries. The book is illustrated with 450 engravings and 42 tone illustrations. Covers the period from ancient times to the 17 th century