In clear and easy-to-follow steps, this highly effective textbook sets out everything that students need to know to produce competent and visually exciting illustrations. It is suitable both for class use and self-teaching, and shows how to create lively fashion illustrations of men, women and children.Examples of the media available and different drawing techniques are presented in a student-friendly form, with detailed explanations of how to represent fabrics, create and use templates and stencils, and make specification and working drawings.
Home Territories examines how traditional ideas of home, homeland and nation have been destabilised both by new patterns of migration and by new communication technologies which routinely transgress the symbolic boundaries around both the private household and the nation state.
Engaging the Eye Generation - Visual Literacy Strategies for the K-5 Classroom
Literacy in the twenty-first century means more than just reading and writing. Today's students must learn how to interpret and communicate information through a variety of digital and print-based media formats, using imagery, online applications, audio, video, and traditional texts. In Engaging the Eye Generation, library media specialist and National Board Certified Teacher Johanna Riddle draws on twenty-five years of education experience to show teachers how to update the curriculum for twenty-first century learners.
Still Standing - The Untold Story of my Fight Against Gossip, Hate and Political Attacks
There’s nothing the liberal media love to attack more than a conservative celebrity. Unless it’s a female conservative celebrity. Make that a beautiful female conservative celebrity. So, when a California beauty queen had the audacity – the nerve – to stand up for traditional marriage in front of a national televised audience, well then, the liberal media went crazy. They called her every vile name in the book – while feminists around the country were oddly silent. Like Sarah Palin, Laura Bush, Ann Coulter and so many before her, Carrie Prejean was vilified for not being the modern American woman that NOW had in mind.