Thesis/Dissertation-The Relationship between Children’s Reading Comprehension, Word Reading, Language Skills and Memory in a Normal Sample
Added by: faisal.elvas | Karma: 0 | Non-Fiction » Science literature » Linguistics | 25 September 2008 |
The current study aimed to develop a model of reading comprehension for children in middle primary school. As part of this overall aim there was a particular focus on the contribution of different types of memory to reading comprehension. The variables selected for consideration were identified from the child and adult literature and were of three types: word reading, language, and memory. The sample comprised 180 primary school children in grades 3-5 recruited from two primary schools. Their ages ranged from 8 years 7 months to 11 years 11 months.
The reading comprehension measure was in a multiple-choice format with the text available when answering the questions. The five word reading measures were phonological recoding, orthographic processing, text reading accuracy, text reading speed, and a measure of exposure to print and reading experience.
Tags: reading, comprehension, memory, measure, measures, primary, children, Reading |
Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE (15th ed) CD-ROM
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | GRE, Software | 12 November 2006 |
Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE Ñîôò äëÿ ïîäãîòîâêè ê ýêçàìåíó GRE. GRE Exam is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and Canada. It is created and administered by the Educational Testing Service. The GRE test is a standardized test intended to measure the abilities of all graduates in tasks of general academic nature, regardless of their fields of specialization. The GRE is supposed to measure the extent to which undergraduate education has developed an individual's verbal and quantitative skills in abstract thinking.
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Tags: Prepare, measure, specialization, supposed, extent, Barron |