The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Truth Behind the Mystique (Audio)
The Dead Sea Scrolls are perhaps the most important archaeological discovery of the twentieth century. These lectures set before the public the real Dead Sea Scrolls, the most important collection of Jewish texts from the centuries before the rise of Christianity. Only through efforts to understand what the scrolls can teach us about the history of Judaism is it possible for us to learn what they have to teach us about the history of Christianity, because Christianity came into being only after these texts were composed and copied.
The grotesque, often defined as something fantastically distorted that attracts and repels, is a concept that has various meanings in literature. This new volume contains 20 essays that explore the role of the grotesque in such works as 'Candide', 'Frankenstein', 'King Lear', 'The Metamorphosis', and many others. Some essays have been written specifically for the series; others are excerpts of important critical analyses from selected books and journals.
The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home
The provocative follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Predictably Irrational •Why can large bonuses make CEOs less productive? •How can confusing directions actually help us? •Why is revenge so important to us?
Language, Learning, Context: Talking the Talk (Foundations and Futures of Education)
In what way do educators understand the language they use to make sense of the educational environment?
How does language enable educators and how can they consciously make the most of its potential?
Using the right language and setting the correct tone in the school classroom has repercussions for all involved; whether it affects the linguistic development of a student or the effective delivery of a lesson, language plays an important factor in any educational context.
This dictionary is specifically written in a simple language for easy grasping of psychology and allied sciences. About 8000 words used in the fields of psychiatry, psychology and neurology have been arranged in an alphabetical order along with their definitions. Some of the important terms of psychology and allied science related with India have also been included.