This lively and innovative introduction to Shakespeare promotes active engagement with the plays, rather than recycling factual information. Covering a range of texts, it is divided into seven subject-based chapters: Character; Performance; Texts; Language; Structure; Sources and History, and it does not assume any prior knowledge. Instead, it develops ways of thinking and provides the reader with resources for independent research through the ‘Where next?’ sections at the end of each chapter.
This wide-ranging introduction to the short story tradition in America traces the genre from its beginnings in the early 19th century to present day. The major writers in the genre are covered in depth with a general view of their work and detailed discussion of a number of examples of individual stories. The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to this rich literary tradition.
This is a clear and informative introduction to Woolf's life, works, and cultural and critical contexts, explaining the importance of the Bloomsbury group in the development of her work. It covers the major works in detail, including To the Lighthouse, Mrs Dalloway, The Waves and the key short stories. As well as providing students with the essential information needed to study Woolf, Jane Goldman suggests further reading to allow students to find their way through the most important critical works.
Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics is a product of Dr. Daniel Hillel who has the basic scientific knowledge and is a master at presenting complex scientific concepts in an understandable manner. The numerous well-designed illustrations and sample problems makes the book particularly valuable as a textbook. The book also provides numerous references for the reader who desires to pursue the subject matter in greater depth and therefore serves as an excellent reference book as well as a textbook.
Loved this subject and the book, it has clear proofs and plenty of descriptions of concepts, and it works from the very beginning and builds on itself. I would reccomend it. It is an expensive book, but I got it for a much better price here on amazon, I think it was less than half of what they were asking at the UCLA bookstore. I will certainly be buying my textbooks here from now on.