Chess Training Pocket Book: 300 Most Important Positions and Ideas
This newly revised volume in the successful Comprehensive Chess Course sharpens and tightens your game through examination and study of the 300 most important chess game positions. The most important and instructive positions over the last 100 years arranged as challenges, with illuminating explanations and solutions. Lev Alburt, Grandmaster of Chess and renowned three-time US chess champion, presents and analyzes the 300 most important game positions an average player should understand and remember to become a chess expert.
The Parent You Want to Be: Who You Are Matters More Than What You Do
The Parent You Want to Be give you a proven plan for cultivating the traits you most want your child to have. Discover ... * the most important question you'll ever ask as a parent * the three-step method to avoid being the parent you don't want to be * the secret to making your 'intentional traits' stick on even your worst days ... and much more. A husband and wife team made up of two of today's leading relationship experts,...
Completing the translation of Derrida’s monumental work "Right to Philosophy" (the first part of which has already appeared under the title of "Who’s Afraid of Philosophy?"), "Eyes of the University" brings together many of the philosopher’s most important texts on the university and, more broadly, on the languages and institutions of philosophy.
Extreme Risk Management: Revolutionary Approaches to Evaluating and Measuring Risk
A revolutionary new approach for detecting and managing inherent risk The unprecedented turmoil in the financial markets turned the field of quantitative finance on its head and generated severe criticism of the statistical models used to manage risk and predict “black swan” events. Something very important had been lost when statistical representations replaced expert knowledge and statistics substituted for causation.
Arthur Miller is regarded as one of the most important playwrights of the twentieth century and this Companion provides an introduction to this influential dramatist. In addition to analyses of Miller's plays, fiction and contributions to film, his work is placed within the context of the social and political climate of the time. In the past twenty years Miller has written a host of new plays, and the Companion examines these works. It also contains a detailed chronology of Miller's work and illustrations from important productions.