The Hundred-Year Lie - How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health
Chemicals in everyday products are ruining your health-find out what you can do about it. One hundred years ago, the promise of "a better living through chemistry" was given to consumers, setting us on a slippery slope that introduced thousands of man-made chemicals into our food, water, medicine and environment.
Age-related loss of memory and other cognitive abilities has been recognized since antiquity. However, the need to understand the causes and consequences of dementia has become urgent over the past quarter-century because of the large and increasing proportion of persons in the world's population who live into their 9th and 10th decades -- the ages at which people are at greatest risk for dementia. Dementia is now one of the most common and feared conditions of old age and is a major public health problem throughout the world.
This book reviews the current research evidence for the health benefits of a diet rich in olive oil. It focuses on the role of olive oil in reducing the incidence of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes, and the effect of olive oil on the immune system. Nutritional aspects of dietary fats, in general, and of olive oil in particular, are of great interest in many nutrition-related pathologies in which they are implicated. Olive oil plays an important role in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels,...
Health Care Prers contains key information for medical professionals looking to understand this industry and navigate a path to success. Written in clear, accessible language, this new resource covers the full scope of the health care industry, including its traditions and practices, as well as a breakdown of key jobs, tips for success, an in-depth glossary of industry jargon, and current and future trends for this field.
Health Care Management gives readers the information they need to understand the current health care system and how they can launch a successful career as part of it. Featuring key information that everyone in health care management should know, along with case studies of common industry problems and their resolution, ethical dilemmas, and tips for effective communications and networking, this useful new guide is essential for anyone interested in launching a career in this industry.