This book of readers theatre scripts for low-achieving middle grade readers is meant to inspire. Written at readability levels of grades 2 and 3, students who struggle with reading will enjoy learning about the lives of people both current (Bob Woodruff) and historical (Franklin Roosevelt) who are inspirational because of their perseverance and ability to overcome adversity in their daily lives. By reading, performing, and discussing these plays about people who possess the important character trait of perseverance, students will not only practice their oral reading skills, thus building the important skill of fluency, they will also build their own models for good character. Grades 3-8.
20 Ready-to-Reproduce Patterns that Put a New Spin on Math Skill-Building. Make math interactive and entertaining with these easy to assemble and fun to use learning wheels. Each adorable wheel reinforces essential math skills including numeration, addition, subtraction, simple multiplication, times and money.
Cursive Writing Made Easy & Fun! (Grades 2-5)
Everything you need to help every child master—and enjoy—cursive writing! Includes fresh-and-fun activities, cool practice pages, classroom-tested strategies for supporting kids of all learning styles, letter formation mnemonics, tips for motivating your most reluctant writers, and much, much more! A must-have for every class learning—and perfecting—cursive! For use with Grades 2-5.
E-X-P-A-N-D kids' vocabularies and enrich their writing with180 terrific words—one for each day of the school year! Comes complete with clear definitions, model sentences, and "Wordwork" activities that help students master new words through writing, speaking, drawing, acting out definitions, and more. A great way to empower kids to express themselves in colorful, precise language and boost standardized test scores! For use with Grades 3-6.
Hundreds of Practical Ideas Easily Integrated Into Your Lessons and Activities Are your students word smart? Math smart? People smart? Tap into your students' diverse intelligences and enrich your lesson plans with this helpful resource. Your students will love learning in ways that play to their strengths.