The Future of Globalization - Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence
Erudite and topical, this well balanced treatment, with essays from world renowned contributors including the former President of Ireland – Mary Robinson, Jagdish Bhagwati and Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, considers the forces that propel globalization and those that resist it. Local and regional experiences from Bangladesh, China, India, Latin America and the Middle East are analyzed along with some of globalization’s most potent risks.
In The Wet is a novel by Nevil Shute that was first published in the UK in 1953. It contains many of the typical elements of a hearty and adventurous Shute yarn such as flying, the future, mystic states, and ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Cutting carbon emissions is urgent, but energy policy is also concerned with security, efficiency and access. In the transition to sustainable energy, developing the necessary fuels, technologies and policies will strain many energy policy orthodoxies. Energy for the Future analyzes the changing contexts and fault lines, and proposes ways forward that are both politically viable and likely to be effective.
Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan are kids without a care in the world. Then the rapture comes, leaving them bewildered and Left Behind on a perilous planet. For ages 10 to 14.