A topic-based course that allows learners to extend their language skills while learning about the world around them.
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years Activity Book added Thanks to elena33333!
Starship Titanic is a computer adventure game designed by Douglas Adams and made by The Digital Village. It was released in 1998. It takes place on a starship of the same name which has undergone "Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure" and crash landed on Earth on its maiden voyage
The uniqueness of the game lies in the possibility, or rather necessary, to talk to the robots inhabiting the spaceship. While not choosing answers from a list and write them on the keyboard. Knowledge of English - is necessary.
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Other | 19 July 2009
Michael Jackson - Earth Song "Earth Song" is the third single from Michael Jackson's album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I. It is a ballad that incorporates elements of blues, gospel and opera. Jackson had a long-standing history of releasing socially conscious material such as "We Are the World", "Man in the Mirror" and "Heal the World". However, "Earth Song" was the first that overtly dealt with the environment and animal welfare. The song was written and composed by Jackson.
State of Fear State of Fear is a 2004 novel by Michael Crichton published by HarperCollins on December 7, 2004. Like most of his novels it is a techno-thriller, this time concerning eco-terrorists who threaten the Earth. The book contains many graphs and footnotes as well as two appendices and a twenty page bibliography.
The Earth is made of layers, each with its own unique characteristics and processes that make it a vital part of the planet. The solid inner core, for example, is the farthest layer from the planet's surface, yet it provides much of the heat needed to fuel dramatic surface phenomena . Likewise, the outer core generates a magnetic field that protects the planet from harmful particles in space. In "Layers of the Earth", learn how scientists use modern tools land global positioning systems to study the workings of the inner Earth.