The Green House - New Directions in Sustainable Buildings
From the arid deserts of Tucson, Arizona to the icy forests of Poori, Finland to the tropical beaches of New South Wales, Australia to the urban jungle of downtown Manhattan, critics Alanna Stang and Christopher Hawthorne have traveled to the farthest reaches of the globe to find all that is new in the design of sustainable, or "green," homes. The result: more than thirty-five residences in fifteen countries -- and nearly every conceivable natural environment -- designed by a combination of star architects and heretofore unknown practitioners.
Tracking Our Class Garden, by Rena Korb. Chapter 1: The New Garden, #2:The Garden in the Winter, #3:Spring Arrives, #4: Disaster Strikes!, In back of book are directions on how to indoor gardening with an egg carton.
Added by: alexcarr | Karma: 59.03 | Black Hole | 11 March 2011
FisherPrice LearningFun KindergartenII
Make learning fun with Fisher Price. Full colour pages, fun activities with easy- to follow directions and help reinforce preschool and early elementary skill like Letters and Numbers, Number Orded, thinking skills, Shapes and following directions, reading skills, beginning Math, learning New Words, and phonics skills...
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Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 29 January 2011
Hill Towns by Anne Rivers Siddons
A single event in her childhood irrevocably marked Catherine Gaillard -- and made it impossible for her to leave her cloistered mountaintop town in Tennessee for the next thirty years. But her devotion to her husband, Joe, and her desire to forever put the incident behind her propel Cat on a life-changing trip to Italy. Making their way across the countryside of Tuscany with two other couples, Cat and Joe soon feel themselves pulled in different directions, and the fabric of their marriage begins to unravel. Expanding beyond the bounds of a carefree trip, their journey takes them deep into the heart of their relationship...and becomes the ultimate test of their love.