The Superhero Book is the ultimate A-to-Z compendium of everyone’s favorite overachievers in the pitched battle between good and evil. With 300 entries examining more than 1,000 high-powered icons and their place in the popular firmament, The Superhero Book is the first comprehensive profile of superheroes across all media, following their path from comic-book stardom to radio, television, movies, and novels. It’s good to be super-great. With more than 150 full-color illustrations, The Superhero Book covers the best-loved and most historically significant superheroes
Town & Country features the latest in luxury, from beautiful homes, sumptuous dining to exotic locations. In 12 gorgeous annual issues, Town & Country covers the arts, fashion and culture, bringing the best of everything to America's trendsetters
Outdoor Canada shows you how to get the most out of your outdoor adventures with how-tos, interviews and tips from the pros. Brings the people, the places and the action of the outdoors to your door. Covers fishing, boating, hiking, canoeing, camping and wildlife.
Incorporating the SATUs most recent changes, these questions emphasize grammar and usage and the most effective way to revise a sentence or passage. This prep guide covers specific strategies for writing a timed essay on the SAT, and includes four practice writing tests.