The various chapters within this volume include a wide variety of applications that extend far beyond this limited perception. As part of the Reliable Lab Solutions series, Essential Numerical Computer Methods brings together chapters from volumes 210, 240, 321, 383, 384, 454, and 467 of Methods in Enzymology. These chapters provide a general progression from basic numerical methods to more specific biochemical and biomedical applications.
This reader with activities, will provide the supplementary material teachers and parents are always looking for. The fully-illustrated, original story takes into account the real-world interests of children in primary schools. It provides a wide range of stimulating activities, plus a picture dictionary of key vocabulary. A CD with the narration of the whole story and a range of listening activities accompanies the book.
This book is designed for a one semester course in discrete mathematics for sophomore or junior level students. The text covers the mathematical concepts that students will encounter in many disciplines such as computer science, engineering, Business, and the sciences.
A dictionary used for translating words from English into Polish and vice versa. Contains about 500 thousand English expressions. Edition designed especially to be used with Kindle device. Can be also run on PC computer with program "Mobi Pocket Reader."