Summit is a two-level high-intermediate / advanced course that provides the post intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication.
Язык общения.Английский для успешной коммуникации. Language of communication
Книга адресована всем изучающим английский язык и может быть использована как на занятиях в группе, так и для самостоятельной работы.
В пособии рассмотрены 13 тем. Каждая тема включает в себя тексты, содержащие сведения по межкультурной коммуникации, упражнения и советы, как, например, успешно выступать на презентации, проводить деловые переговоры и т.д.
Языковые клише помогают не тратить время на поиск нужной формулировки и чувствовать себя уверенно в любой ситуации, поэтому автор дает для запоминания устойчивые выражения к каждой теме.
The books take an innovative 'practice to theory' approach, with a 'back-to-front' structure. This leads the reader from real-world problems and issues, through a discussion of intervention and how to engage with these concerns, before finally relating these practical issues to theoretical foundations. Additional features include tasks with commentaries, a glossary of key terms, and an annotated further reading section. Exploring Intercultural Communication investigates the role of language in intercultural communication, paying particular attention to the interplay between cultural diversity and language practice.
Students need to have excellent, effective, and practical business communication skills in order to succeed in today’s business world. Excellence in Business Communicationdelivers an abundance of the most realistic model documents and tools, helping students learn business communication skills by example.
Technology, globalization, and other forces have dramatically changed the practice of business communication in recent years.
Live Beat is a new four-level course that keeps teenage students motivated and focused to achieve better learning outcomes. It builds on the successful approach used by the same authors in the bestselling Upbeat course. Improvement in communication skills is measurable against the Global Scale of English.