Added by: ashkanxy | Karma: 24.93 | Other | 17 February 2009
This second edition of the Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants is created to assist the clinician in the initial response to the needs of a child or adult exposed to a poisonous or injurious plant. It lists common plants that might lead to the development of the symptom complex and describes the mechanisms of action of the implicated toxin, additional clinical manifestations, and specific therapeutics for each presentation. It has methodically enhanced the previous edition’s botanical rigor with insights from both pharmacognosy and clinical medicine to make it a truly comprehensive source.
Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 3-rd edition covers the core curriculum for undergraduate teaching of clinical paediatrics. The third edition retains the innovative, full-colour design of the first, incorporating numerous colour photographs, diagrams, illustrated case histories and clinical hints & tips highlighted by a 'smiley face' icon. The writing style is succinct, with bullet-point lists used to facilitate reading and learning, and the content is pared down to cover what students really need to know and no more. There is one new chapter on The Child in Society covering general issues in child health in developed and developing countries. All the system-based chapters have been thoroughly revised and coverage of ethics, evidence-based medicine and developmental paediatrics has been expanded.
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Non-Fiction, Medicine | 19 January 2009
Blackwell Underground Clinical Vignettes: Pharmacology, Fourth Edition is your primary source for clinically relevant, case-based material essential for USMLE Step 1 review. Each Clinical Vignette simulates USMLE format, and includes classic buzzwords in history taking, physical examination, lab, imaging, and pathology. This revised edition contains: / Carefully selected cases templated to fit the way you are tested and taught to think / Valuable links to Step 1 and 2 Atlases for emphasis on photographic case studies / Over 50 new cases compatible with the updated content of USMLE Step 1 Blackwell Underground Clinical Vignettes: Pharmacology, Fourth Edition is perfect for medical students. Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related health professionals will also find Underground Clinical Vignettes valuable.
Intended primarily for mental health professionals, "Demystifying Love" deals plainly with topics rarely written about for clinicians. The book discusses in a small package highly readable and useful topics, such as love (as both noun and verb), psychological intimacy, sexual desire, as well as infidelity, both in background concepts and clinical guidelines. As the book shows, love is the logical point of departure for a clinical understanding of sexuality and its problems. It is the most conventional framework for understanding sexual behaviors, the one that is broadly endorsed across many cultures, often as the ideal context for sexual expression.
After a period of economic success and high regard in society, clinical psychology has fallen onto hard times, assert authors Nicholas Cummings and William O'Donohue. In the 1960s, clinical psychologists with doctorates were well paid in relation to comparable professions; today, starting salaries are lower than many jobs that require only a bachelor's degree. Clinical psychology in the 1960s was preferred and valued over other fields as a profession; today it is not even on the list of top 20 fields for graduates to enter.