Algebra II for Dummies
by Mary Jane Sterling
You’ll find what you need in this book - some advanced algebraic topics, but also the necessary basics, too. You can also find plenty of connections — the ways different algebraic topics connect with each other and the ways the algebra connects with other areas of mathematics. After all, the many other math areas drive Algebra II. Algebra is the passport to studying calculus, trigonometry, number theory, geometry, and all sorts of good mathematics. Algebra is basic, and the algebra you find here will help you grow your skills and knowledge so you can do well in math courses and possibly pursue other math topics. |
Tags: other, Algebra, algebra, areas, topics |
Cliffs Quick Review Algebra II
CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions.
Whether you're looking for an in-depth treatment of the entire subject matter or occasional reinforcement of key algebra concepts, this is the place to find it..
CliffsQuickReview Algebra II is a comprehensive study guide to the many topics of a second course in algebra, including information on linear equations, complex numbers, and conic sections.
Tags: Algebra, Cliffs, algebra, course, concepts |