This book is a collection of articles from my writings over the years on teaching English. Except for the introductory encyclopaedia article, the chapters are arranged in chronological order. They all share some basic features. The primary influence on my thinking about language learning and teaching is the empirically observed problems and difficulties students experience in learning a second language, and the articles all reflect this concern. Theoretical speculations are interesting but they serve a very minor part of this volume.
This is a collection of 289 articles on various facets of child development, focusing on topics of interest to and written at a level appropriate for general readers and high school students and above. Overview articles of about 3,000 words look at particular topics such as parenting and child abuse. Introductory articles of about 1,500 words offer briefer discussions of areas such as day care, home schooling, and friendship. Biographies (about 400 words) review the lives of pioneers in the field of child development. Definitions, about 150 words long, are also included. Each encyclopedia entry is followed by a bibliography. Salkind teaches psychology and research in education at the University of Kansas.
Philosophers have had an interest in language from the earliest times but the twentieth century, with its so-called 'linguistic turn' in philosophy, has seen a huge expansion of work focused specifically on language and its foundations. No branch of philosophy has been unaffected by this shift of emphasis. It is timely at the end of the century to review and assess the vast range of issues that have been developed and debated in this central area.
Amazing collection of Scientific American Magazine's - 1993-1999 (all issues).
Scientific American is a popular-science magazine , published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28 , 1845 , making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States . It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience. REUPLOADED by decabristka
The volume collects three decades of articles by the distinguished linguist Joan Bybee. Her articles essentially argue for the importance of frequency of use as a factor in the analysis and explanation of language structure. Her work has been very influential for a broad range of researchers in linguistics, particularly in discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, phonology, phonetics amnd historical linguistics.