Scientific American (informally abbreviated to SciAm) is a popular science magazine published since August 28, 1845, which according to the magazine makes it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States.[1] It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
Embracing the concepts of aesthetics and functionality, this bi-monthly publication explores the art, science, and evolution of the visual form which includes upscale residences and vacation homes. Articles by experienced periodical writers address how these buildings influence their surroundings, and the people who live in and frequent them. Each issue will feature a minimum of four upscale homes from across Canada, as well as articles ranging from, but not limited to, Antiques, Culture, Fine Furniture, Kitchen/Bath and Travel Destinations.
A revival of interest in morphology has occurred during recent years. The Yearbook of Morphology series, published since 1988, has proven to be an eminent support for this upswing of morphological research, since it contains articles on topics which are central in the current theoretical debates which are frequently referred to.
Motocross Action Magazine: the nations #1 motocross magazine. MOTOCROSS ACTION written by and for the motocross racing enthusiast, with articles of interest to both the competitive rider and the spectator enthusiast.
The Handbook is the first of its kind in the area of international banking with contributions from leading specialists in their respective fields, often with remarkable experience in academia or professional practice.
The material is provided mainly in the form of self-contained surveys, which trace the main developments in a well-defined topic, together with specific references to journal articles and working papers. Some contributions, however, disseminate new empirical findings especially where competing paradigms are