Can one learn linear algebra solely by solving problems? Paul Halmos thinks so, and you will too once you read this book. The Linear Algebra Problem Book is an ideal text for a course in linear algebra. It takes the student step by step from the basic axioms of a field through the notion of vector spaces, on to advanced concepts such as inner product spaces and normality. All of this occurs by way of a series of 164 problems, each with hints and, at the back of the book, full solutions. This book is a marvelous example of how to teach and learn mathematics by ‘doing’ mathematics.
These lessons show how to maximize instruction that prepares students for formal algebra. Through a series of investigations that help students make connections between arithmetic and algebra, students build proficiency with key algebraic concepts - patterns, functions, and variables. They use multiple representations including models, drawings, tables, graphs, words, and symbols. Lessons include a technology component with suggestions for teaching with graphing calculators.
What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
Created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond.
Exploring Introductory and Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Added by: Choboboy | Karma: 134.12 | Black Hole | 24 October 2010
Exploring Introductory and Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Intended for a one- or two-semester combined elementary and intermediate algebra course, Exploring Introductory and Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach is designed to assist students in making connections between mathematics and its applications. Its goal is to develop a student's mathematical skills through appropriate use of applications and to use technology to establish links between abstract mathematical concepts and visual or concrete representations.
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