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ALC - American Language Course 1100 [SB+MP3]

ALC - American Language Course 1100ALC - American Language Course 1100

The American Language Course (ALC) is designed primarily for an intensive language training program.

The course will provide students with a sufficient level of fluency and communicative proficiency in English to enable them to successfully pursue technical or professional training in schools conducted by the Department of Defense.

Writing Cures: An Introductory Handbook of Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Writing Cures: An Introductory Handbook of Writing in Counselling and PsychotherapyWriting Cures: An Introductory Handbook of Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Writing Cures demonstrates the power of expressive and reflective writing in the context of therapy, whether online or text-based, enabling the practitioner to undertake writing methods with clients. It introduces the reader to therapeutic writing in a range of settings and contexts, and from a range of approaches.

Illustrated throughout from clinical experience Writing Cures will be of benefit to all counsellors and psychotherapists.
The Best of Technology Writing 2006 Writing & Journalism

The Best of Technology Writing 2006 Writing & JournalismThe Best of Technology Writing 2006 Writing & Journalism

The Best of Technology Writing 2006 brings together some of the most important, timely, and just plain readable writing in the fast-paced, high-stakes field of technology. The first annual collection to target this vibrant and versatile area, The Best of Technology Writing 2006 features innovative work from an unusually diverse array of writers: best-selling authors, noted academics, and indie journalists and bloggers. The culmination of an open, on-line nominating process, this collection covers topics ranging from jetpacks, to the ethics of genetically cloned pets, to the meaning of life in the information age.
Clinician's Guide to Medical Writing Writing & Journalism

Clinician's Guide to Medical Writing Writing & JournalismClinician's Guide to Medical Writing Writing & Journalism

This book is for any clinician who wants to write. It is for the physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner who sees patients and also wants to contribute to the medical literature. It is for the assistant professor aspiring to promotion and the clinician in private practice seeking personal enrichment. Loaded with practical advice and real-world examples, this text benefits readers who are new to medical writing and those who have authored a few articles or chapters and want to improve.
Writing and Cognition, Volume 4: Research and Applications (Studies in Writing)

Writing and Cognition, Volume 4: Research and Applications (Studies in Writing)Writing and Cognition, Volume 4: Research and Applications (Studies in Writing)

Writing is central to the functioning of developed societies. However, the psychological processes that allow us to transform complex ideas into language and express them on paper or computer screen are poorly understood. Writing and Cognition goes some way towards remedying this. It describes new and diverse work both by field leaders and by newer researchers exploring the complex relationships between language, the mind, and the environments in which writers work.