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Richard Dawkins: "Unweaving The Rainbow"
"Why do poets and artists so often disparage science in their work? For that matter, why does so much scientific literature compare poorly with, say, the phone book? After struggling with questions like these for years, biologist Richard Dawkins has taken a wide-ranging view of the subjects of meaning and beauty in Unweaving the Rainbow, a deeply humanistic examination of science, mysticism, and human nature. Notably strong-willed in a profession of bet-hedgers and wait-and-seers, Dawkins carries the reader along on a romp through the natural and cultural worlds, determined that "science, at its best, should leave room for poetry."
Richard Dawkins: "The Selfish Gene"
Richard Dawkins: "The Selfish Gene""Who should read this book? Everyone interested in the universe and their place in it." Jeffrey R. Baylis, Animal Behavior

"demonstrates a rare and welcome ability to make formidably technical findings come alive...highly articulate." New York Times Book Review
"Popular books on evolution are common; good popular books are rare. Dawkins' book is excellent." Eric L. Charnov, Quarterly Review of Biology "This book should be read, can be read, by almost everyone. It describes with great skill a new face of the theory of evolution" W. D. Hamilton, Science

Learning page activity packs


Zoo animals

Reptiles, dinosaurs, insects


Five Senses



The Amateur Astronomer

The Amateur Astronomer The Amateur Astronomer
by Patrick Moore
This 2000 Edition of Sir Patrick Moore’s classic book has been completely revised in the light of changes in technology. Not only do these changes include commercially available astronomical telescopes and software, but also what we know and understand about the universe. There are many new photographs and illustrations. Writing in the easy-going style that made him famous as a writer and broadcaster, Sir Patrick introduced astronomy and amateur observing together, so that his reader gets an idea of what he is observing at the same time as how to observe. Almost half the book is Appendices. These are hugely comprehensive and provide hints and tips, as well as data (year 2000 onwards) for pretty well every aspect of amateur astronomy. This is probably the only book in which all this information is collected in one place.

Pronunciation Patterns 3.0 Educational


Pronunciation Patterns 3.0 Educational
Pronunciation Patterns has over 100 phonics rules and groups 4,000 words by phonetic patterns to help you practice English pronunciation and learn new English words. Now you can just read English words without using IPA. It also has a special designed exercise and online mouth video clips to help you build a strong mouth muscle and learn how to say each sound to help you pronounce English words clearly.
