Creative Ways - Starting to teach creative writing in the English language classroom
Added by: smieja | Karma: 96.53 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 5 April 2007 |
 Creative Ways - Starting to teach creative writing in the English language classroom
Teaching Materials from the Literature Department of the British Council |
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Although proficiency in vocabulary has long been recognized as basic to reading proficiency, there has been a paucity of research on vocabulary teaching and learning over the last two decades. Recognizing this, the U.S. Department of Education recently sponsored a Focus on Vocabulary conference that attracted the best-known and most active researchers in the vocabulary field. This book is the outgrowth of that conference. It presents scientific evidence from leading research programs that address persistent issues regarding the role of vocabulary in text comprehension.
Edited by: Fruchtzwerg - 5 November 2011Reason: category added (F.) // main link refreshed (ninasimeo)
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Supplementary Classroom Resources
handouts for extra language practice with teacher's notes,
tests with keys, and series vocabulary reference.
Supplemetary Photocopiable Resources:
extra photocopiable exercises for every level; the tapescripts for all listening exercises; the video interviews worksheets with comprehension and vocabulary exercises for every interview. |
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TIMESAVER - Newspaper Articles to get Teenagers Talking A photocopiable resource for busy teachers This rich resource provides a collection of authentic newspaper articles from a variety of British newspapers. The stimulating articles encourage students to contextualise the topic and then engage in lively discussion. LEVEL: UPPER-INTERMEDIATE - ADVANCED This rich resource provides a collection of authentic newspaper articles from a variety of British newspapers. The stimulating articles encourage students to contextualise the topic and then engage in lively discussion. The articles cover the following areas: Lifestyle, Moral Issues, etc |
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