A bimonthly magazine for the learners of business language at upper intermediate and advanced levels. All texts followed by wordlists. Features finance, small business, management, technology, language, lifestyles, profiles, international trade, European economy, and local issues.
Shaky Times for Single Currency
Google Leaps into Lending
New Future for Royal Family
The Clothes We Buy – the Link Between the Rana Plaza Disaster and Western
Consumer Needs
Global Healthcare Issues
To Nano or not to Nano
Thatcher: Opposing Opinions
Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron: Facing Challenging Times
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) filedwon.info, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 16:38
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) depositfiles.com, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 16:46
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) rg.to, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 16:53
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) ul.to, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 17:12
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) uploaded.net, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 23:03
MAGAZINE with BOOKLET, AUDIO and VIDEO - Business English #36 - Issue 2013-07/08 (MP3, MP4, PDF, 100 pages, 212.9 MB) dfiles.ru, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 20 March 2015 23:05