The Companion to George Bernard Shaw is an indispensable guide to one of the most influential and important dramatists of the theater. The volume offers a broad-ranging study of Shaw with essays by a team of leading scholars. The Companion covers all aspects of Shaw's drama, focusing both on the political and theatrical context, while the extensive illustrations showcase productions from the Shaw Festival in Canada. In addition to situating Shaw's work in its own time, the Companion demonstrates its continuing relevance, and applies some of the newest critical approaches.
Shaw's life: a feminist in spite of himself / Sally Peters Imprinting the stage: Shaw and the publishing trade, 1883-1903 / Katherine E. Kelly New theatres for old / Charles A. Berst New women, new plays, and Shaw in the 1890s / Kerry Powell Shaw's early plays / Frederick J. Marker Shavian comedy and the shadow of Wilde / David J. Gordon Structure and philosophy in Man and Superman and Major Barbara / Fredric Berg "Nothing but talk, talk, talk - Shaw talk": discussion plays and the making of modern drama / Christopher Innes. Roads to Heartbreak House / Ronald Bryden Reinventing the history play: Caesar and Cleopatra, Saint Joan, "In Good King Charles's Golden Days" / Matthew H. Wikander Shaw's interstices of empire: decolonizing at home and abroad / Tracy C. Davis Later Shaw / T.F. Evans Shaw and the court theatre / Jan McDonald "Please remember, this is Italian opera": Shaw's plays as music-drama / J.L. Wisenthal Shaw and the popular context / Robert G. Everding.